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Wild at Art Ltd


Studio on the Shore

Situated right on the seashore in the tranquil village of Innellan on the Cowal Peninsula in Argyll (West of Scotland), this cosy studio is a self-catering retreat space for artists from all other world to use. Take some time out to create and let Scotland’s scenery inspire your work. Come and paint, draw, write, compose, sculpt or whatever your thing is! Oh, and just across the street there’s a fab spot for open water swimming :). mehr ...

GB-PA237SB Innellan (Argyll & Bute)

Malurlaub auf der magischen Insel IonaMalurlaub auf der magischen Insel Iona

Iona is a special place. It has been described as a thin place. A place where some people feel an otherness. Being on an island allows you to think and realise ideas away from other distractions. Scottish artist Janet Melrose often spends time on Iona and invites you to join her for a week of creating on this art retreat in the place that has inspired artists and travelers from all over the world for centuries. mehr ...

PA766SL Iona (Isle of Iona, Inner Hebrides, Scotland)


Wild at Art Ltd

North Campbell Road
GB-PA23 Innellan

Telefon: 0044(0)7884966165

E-Mail: info@wildatartscotland.com


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